A total of 436 recevied packets have been found for station/object DF1IAN-11 between 1741794597 and 1742053797.
Request took 0.007 seconds to find in our database.
Packet history is available for up to 3 days. Sign up for a free account to view 30 up to days history. Use [>] to decode with our packet packet decoder tool.
Displaying 1 - 25 of 436 packets.
[>] 1742052604: DF1IAN-11>APLT00,WIDE1-1,qAR,DB0TFM-10:!4858.04N/00818.27E>085/000/A=000389LoRa Tracker, Call IAN on 145.425 MHz FM/C4FM - Bat.: 3.42V !wc(!
[>] 1742044844: DF1IAN-11>APLT00,WIDE1-1,qAR,DB0TFM-10:!4858.05N/00818.26E>/A=000443LoRa Tracker, Call IAN on 145.425 MHz FM/C4FM - Bat.: 3.12V !w$f!
[>] 1742044244: DF1IAN-11>APLT00,WIDE1-1,qAR,DB0TFM-10:!4858.04N/00818.26E>/A=000398LoRa Tracker, Call IAN on 145.425 MHz FM/C4FM - Bat.: 3.34V !wqC!
[>] 1742043944: DF1IAN-11>APLT00,WIDE1-1,qAR,DB0TFM-10:!4858.04N/00818.26E>/A=000399LoRa Tracker, Call IAN on 145.425 MHz FM/C4FM - Bat.: 3.41V !woE!
[>] 1742043344: DF1IAN-11>APLT00,WIDE1-1,qAR,DB0TFM-10:!4858.05N/00818.25E>/A=000441LoRa Tracker, Call IAN on 145.425 MHz FM/C4FM - Bat.: 3.52V !w9l!
[>] 1742042743: DF1IAN-11>APLT00,WIDE1-1,qAR,DB0TFM-10:!4858.04N/00818.26E>/A=000400LoRa Tracker, Call IAN on 145.425 MHz FM/C4FM - Bat.: 3.58V !wac!
[>] 1742042143: DF1IAN-11>APLT00,WIDE1-1,qAR,DB0TFM-10:!4858.04N/00818.26E>/A=000419LoRa Tracker, Call IAN on 145.425 MHz FM/C4FM - Bat.: 3.61V !wr4!
[>] 1742041244: DF1IAN-11>APLT00,WIDE1-1,qAR,DB0TFM-10:!4858.04N/00818.26E>069/000/A=000446LoRa Tracker, Call IAN on 145.425 MHz FM/C4FM - Bat.: 3.65V !wt:!
* If you compare the raw packets with similar data from other websites it may differ (especially the path), the reason is that we are not collecting packets from the same APRS-IS servers. Each APRS-IS server performes duplicate filtering, and which packet that is considered to be a duplicate may differ depending on which APRS-IS server you receive your data from.
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